В ПФУ назвали число пенсионеров, которым должно хватать денег на жизнь

In the event that the state budget, which freezes the growth of all social standards, is adopted, the minimum pension will not change next year.

The government’s decision to freeze the growth of social standards has caused concern among pensioners and low-income citizens. Many fear that this will lead to a decrease in their already meager income and make it even more difficult to make ends meet. However, the government has defended its decision, stating that it is necessary in order to maintain stability in the economy and ensure the sustainability of the pension system.

The proposed budget for the next year includes a freeze on the growth of all social standards, including the minimum pension. This means that the minimum pension, which is currently at a level of 9,452 rubles per month, will not increase in the coming year. This decision has been met with criticism from various groups, including pensioners’ associations and opposition parties.

Pensioners, who make up a significant portion of the population in Russia, are particularly affected by this decision. For many of them, the pension is their only source of income and any freeze on its growth can have a significant impact on their quality of life. The current minimum pension is already below the subsistence level, which is set at 11,185 rubles per month. This means that pensioners are struggling to cover their basic needs, such as food, housing, and healthcare.

The government, however, argues that the freeze on social standards is necessary in order to maintain the stability of the economy. With the recent economic challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the decrease in oil prices, the government has been forced to make tough decisions in order to keep the economy afloat. The freeze on social standards is seen as a necessary measure to control government spending and prevent a budget deficit.

Moreover, the government has assured that the freeze on social standards is only temporary and will be lifted once the economy stabilizes. They have also promised to continue providing support to low-income citizens through targeted social programs. This includes subsidies for housing and utilities, as well as free medical care for pensioners.

Despite the government’s reassurances, many pensioners remain skeptical and worried about their future. They argue that the freeze on social standards will only exacerbate the already difficult living conditions for pensioners. Some have even taken to the streets to protest against the decision, demanding an increase in the minimum pension.

Opposition parties have also criticized the government’s decision, calling it unfair and unjust. They argue that the burden of economic challenges should not fall on the most vulnerable members of society, such as pensioners. They have proposed alternative solutions, such as increasing taxes on the wealthy, in order to generate more revenue for the budget.

In conclusion, the decision to freeze the growth of all social standards, including the minimum pension, in the next year’s budget has caused concern and criticism among pensioners and opposition parties. While the government argues that it is necessary for the stability of the economy, many fear that it will only worsen the already difficult living conditions for pensioners. It remains to be seen how this decision will affect the lives of pensioners and whether the government will follow through on its promise to lift the freeze once the economy stabilizes.

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