Сотни миллиардов грн: НБУ «неожиданно» нашел источник для покрытия дефицита бюджета

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has recently approved stricter requirements for banks’ mandatory reserves in an effort to strengthen the country’s financial stability. This decision was made in response to the current economic challenges facing Ukraine, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the country’s high inflation rate.

Mandatory reserves are funds that banks are required to hold in their accounts at the central bank. These reserves serve as a safety net for banks in case of unexpected financial difficulties and also help to regulate the money supply in the economy. The NBU’s decision to tighten these requirements means that banks will now have to hold a larger portion of their assets in these reserves, reducing the amount of money available for lending.

The new requirements, which will come into effect on January 1, 2022, will increase the minimum reserve ratio for banks from 7% to 10%. This means that for every 100 units of deposits, banks will now have to hold 10 units in their mandatory reserves, compared to the previous requirement of 7 units. The NBU has also introduced a new reserve requirement for foreign currency deposits, which will be set at 4%.

The decision to tighten mandatory reserve requirements was made after careful consideration of the current economic situation in Ukraine. The country’s inflation rate has been steadily rising, reaching 9.5% in August 2021, well above the NBU’s target of 5%. This has been driven by a combination of factors, including rising energy prices, supply chain disruptions, and the devaluation of the Ukrainian currency. By increasing mandatory reserves, the NBU aims to reduce the amount of money in circulation and help to control inflation.

In addition to addressing inflation, the stricter requirements also aim to strengthen the stability of the banking sector. The NBU has noted that the current level of mandatory reserves is not sufficient to protect banks from potential risks, such as a sudden increase in loan defaults or a liquidity crisis. By increasing the amount of reserves, the NBU hopes to improve the resilience of banks and ensure the stability of the financial system.

The decision to tighten mandatory reserve requirements has been met with mixed reactions from the banking sector. Some banks have expressed concerns about the potential impact on their profitability and ability to lend, especially in the current economic climate. However, others have welcomed the move as a necessary step to ensure the stability of the financial system and protect depositors’ funds.

The NBU has assured that it will closely monitor the implementation of the new requirements and make adjustments if necessary. The central bank has also emphasized that it remains committed to supporting economic growth and will continue to provide liquidity to banks through its monetary policy operations.

In conclusion, the NBU’s decision to tighten mandatory reserve requirements is a proactive measure to address the current economic challenges facing Ukraine. By increasing the amount of reserves, the central bank aims to control inflation and strengthen the stability of the banking sector. While there may be some short-term challenges for banks, the long-term benefits of this decision are expected to contribute to the country’s overall financial stability and economic growth.

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