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Almost two-thirds of Democrats want the US President to withdraw from the presidential race

As the US presidential election draws closer, the political landscape is becoming increasingly tense. With the current President, Donald Trump, seeking re-election, the Democratic party is working hard to find a candidate who can defeat him. However, recent polls have shown that a significant number of Democrats are not satisfied with their party’s current nominee and are calling for a change.

According to a recent poll conducted by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, almost two-thirds of Democrats want their party’s nominee, Joe Biden, to withdraw from the presidential race. This sentiment is shared by 64% of Democrats, with only 27% saying they want Biden to remain as the nominee. This is a significant shift from just a few months ago when Biden was leading the Democratic primary race with a comfortable margin.

The poll also revealed that a majority of Democrats believe that Biden’s chances of defeating Trump in the upcoming election are slim. Only 29% of Democrats are confident that Biden can win, while 71% believe that Trump will be re-elected. This lack of confidence in their party’s nominee is a cause for concern for the Democratic party, as they need a united front to take on Trump in the election.

So, why are so many Democrats calling for Biden to withdraw from the race? One of the main reasons is his age. At 77 years old, Biden would be the oldest president in US history if elected. Many Democrats are concerned about his ability to handle the demanding role of the President, especially in the midst of a global pandemic and economic crisis. There are also concerns about his mental and physical health, as he has made several gaffes and has been seen struggling to keep up with the rigorous campaign schedule.

Another factor contributing to the calls for Biden to withdraw is his past record. Biden has been in politics for almost five decades, and his record has come under scrutiny, especially from the younger and more progressive wing of the Democratic party. His support for the 1994 crime bill, which led to mass incarceration of Black Americans, and his handling of Anita Hill’s testimony during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings have been criticized. Many Democrats believe that Biden’s record does not align with the values of the party and that he is not the right candidate to lead them to victory.

The recent sexual assault allegations against Biden have also added fuel to the fire. Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer, has accused Biden of sexually assaulting her in 1993. While Biden has denied the allegations, they have raised questions about his character and have further divided the Democratic party. Some Democrats believe that the party should have a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual assault and that Biden should step down as the nominee.

The calls for Biden to withdraw from the race have also been fueled by the recent protests against racial injustice and police brutality. Many Democrats believe that Biden’s response to the protests has been inadequate and that he is not the right candidate to bring about the necessary changes in the country. They argue that the party needs a more progressive and younger candidate who can address the issues that are important to the current generation.

However, despite the growing dissatisfaction with Biden, it is unlikely that he will withdraw from the race. He has already secured the required number of delegates to become the Democratic nominee, and it would be difficult for the party to replace him at this stage. Moreover, Biden has repeatedly stated that he is committed to defeating Trump and believes that he is the best candidate to do so.

In conclusion, the recent poll showing that almost two-thirds of Democrats want Biden to withdraw from the presidential race is a cause for concern for the party. It reflects the growing dissatisfaction with their nominee and the lack of confidence in his ability to defeat Trump. However, it is unlikely that Biden will step down, and the Democratic party will have to unite and rally behind him if they want to have a chance at winning the upcoming election.

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