«Игры» с датами выплаты пенсий: эксперт ответил, можно ли изменить день получения денег

Recently, the Russian government announced its plan for pension reform, which has caused much discussion and debate in the country. One of the key elements of this reform is the prioritization of certain groups of people to receive pensions. This decision was made in order to ensure the stability and sustainability of the pension system in Russia. In this article, we will take a closer look at the groups of people who will be given priority in receiving pensions and the reasoning behind this decision.

According to the new pension reform, there are three main categories of people who will receive pensions in the first place. The first group includes those who have reached the retirement age. In Russia, the official retirement age for men is 65 years and for women, it is 60 years. This means that those who have reached these ages will be among the first to receive pensions. This decision is based on the fact that these individuals have contributed to the pension system throughout their working years and thus deserve to receive their pensions as soon as they reach the official retirement age.

The second group to receive priority in receiving pensions includes people with disabilities. This category includes those who have a disability rating of 1 or 2, which indicates a significant level of disability. People with disabilities often face challenges in finding employment and earning an income, making it difficult for them to save for their retirement. Therefore, it is important for the government to prioritize their access to pensions in order to ensure their financial stability.

The third group is made up of families who have lost their breadwinner. This includes widows and widowers, as well as children who have lost their parents. In many cases, these families rely solely on the income of the breadwinner, which is often not enough to save for retirement. By prioritizing them to receive pensions, the government is providing a safety net for those who have faced a difficult loss and ensuring their financial stability.

It is important to note that this prioritization of certain groups does not mean that others will not receive pensions at all. Instead, it means that these groups will receive their pensions first before others. This decision was made in order to ensure the sustainability of the pension system and to prevent it from collapsing under the weight of an aging population and increasing life expectancy. By prioritizing specific groups, the government hopes to ensure that everyone who has contributed to the pension system will eventually receive their pensions.

In addition to these three priority groups, the new pension reform also includes changes to the calculation of pension amounts. The government plans to gradually increase the retirement age for both men and women over the next few years. This will be done in stages, with a small increase each year until it reaches 65 years for both men and women. This change is necessary in order to account for the increasing life expectancy in Russia and to ensure the sustainability of the pension system in the long term.

Some critics of the pension reform argue that the government should also consider other factors when determining who should receive pensions first. For example, many believe that military veterans and those who have worked in hazardous industries should also be given priority. However, the government has stated that their main goal is to ensure the stability of the pension system and that prioritizing too many groups would not be financially feasible.

Overall, the prioritization of certain groups to receive pensions in Russia is a necessary step towards ensuring the sustainability of the pension system. By prioritizing those who have reached retirement age, people with disabilities, and families who have lost their breadwinner, the government is providing a safety net for those who are most in need. While there may be room for further discussion and debate, the main goal of this decision is to ensure that everyone who has contributed to the pension system will eventually receive their pensions.

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