Благотворительный персонализированный взнос: в ПФУ рассказали, как быстро пенсионер получит деньги

In a move to support retirees and encourage philanthropy, the Ukrainian government announced that it will be providing pensioners with a 70% top-up on their donations. This decision was made by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in their latest meeting, in an effort to promote a culture of charitable giving and recognize the valuable contributions of seniors in society.

This new initiative will be implemented through a collaboration between the Ministry of Social Policy, the Ministry of Finance, and the Pension Fund of Ukraine. Pensioners who donate to charitable organizations and causes will receive an additional 70% of their contribution from the government, which will be added to their monthly pension payment.

This decision has been met with great enthusiasm and gratitude from retirees across the country. Many have expressed their appreciation for the government’s recognition of their efforts to give back to their communities, despite living on a fixed income.

The Minister of Social Policy, Maryna Lazebna, highlighted the importance of this decision, stating that «pensioners are the backbone of our society and their generosity should not go unnoticed. This top-up on their donations is a small token of our appreciation for their selflessness and compassion.»

This new initiative is also expected to have a positive impact on the charitable sector, which has been facing financial challenges due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. With many donors reducing their contributions, this top-up will serve as a much-needed boost to support the important work of charitable organizations.

Moreover, this decision aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, particularly goal #17, which encourages partnerships and collaborations to achieve common goals. By involving pensioners in philanthropy, the government is not only recognizing their contributions but also promoting social cohesion and solidarity.

In addition to the financial benefits, this initiative also aims to promote a culture of giving among the elderly population. Studies have shown that engaging in charitable activities can have a positive impact on mental and emotional well-being in seniors. By providing them with an opportunity to give back, the government is also promoting healthy aging and active citizenship.

It is important to note that this top-up will only be applicable to donations made to registered charitable organizations. This measure is to ensure transparency and accountability in the distribution of funds. The government has also emphasized that this top-up will not affect the overall pension budget, as it is being allocated from a separate fund.

The decision to provide pensioners with a top-up on their donations is a commendable and progressive step by the Ukrainian government. It not only recognizes the valuable contributions of seniors but also promotes a culture of giving and social responsibility. This initiative serves as a reminder that age is not a barrier to making a difference in society.

As we continue to navigate through these challenging times, it is heartening to see the government taking steps to support vulnerable populations and promote unity within the community. We hope that this decision will inspire other countries to implement similar measures and recognize the invaluable contributions of their senior citizens.

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